|Tale of Spiritual Education| - J. K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone" - Book Review

I don’t even know why it took this long but it finally happened! I began the Harry Potter series for once and for all. And I'm happy to say it was as magical as the film made it out to be.  

As I was reading the book, I was happy to notice not much had been changed for the film adaptation. It was kept very loyal to its source material 
It felt as if I was re-reading a story I was already told a long time ago (since I'd already seen all the movies prior to reading the books). Even so, it did not take away the magic of the story for me. I had not seen the movie in years, so there were many moments couldn’t remember and the sense of mystery was still there for me. I felt more sympathetic with Harry while reading. Maybe it was Rowling's descriptions of Harry's underappreciated life that made me feel more towards him and made his achievements at Howards the more important. 

I very much enjoyed how loyal Ron is to Harry since the beginning. How he doesn’t treat him like a celebrity just because of his name. Hermione's little character development was well done: From being a little teacher's pet and being very obedient to actually lying to her elders to help Harry and Ron on finding ouwho wants to steal the sorcerer's stone. They were both great companions who along Harry made up a good trio of young heroes. All three had a very genuine and entertaining friendship that I am excited to read more about in the next books.  

The overall story is wonderful and both Harry Potter and the reader get to have the same surprised reaction to what happens as the story progresses. He's just as surprised by his abilities as the reader is, and he's just as surprised as all of us are by Hogwarts, Wizards, Witches, and magic. Rowling does a splendid job at making the reader feel included and making its characters, tales and descriptions far more interesting than just for young readers. Considered a young adult, I didn’t know if I was going to enjoy it as much as a 10-year old would. But that's not really the problem when it comes to Harry Potter books. There are inclusive and all in all spectacular. From its descriptions of the marketplace where Harry gets his supplies to the many rooms the trio has to go through to find the sorcerer's stone, everything was beautiful and I could not put the book down. 

I am more than excited to read the next books and learn more about Hogwarts and its many possibilities for adventures. I feel as if my brain only remembers the first and second movies, which makes it more thrilling because now I'll get to be surprised when I actually read the books and get my questions answered.
Why does Snape hate Harry so much? 

Is Draco Malfoy really going to bother Harry until the end of time? 

What happened to Volde—oops He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named? 

Is Hagrid going to get another dragon at some point within the next six books? 

Is Dumbledore going to be more present and even funnier in the next books?  

Is Neville still going to go through terrible events in the next books?

All I know for now is that I'm sure I will become a big Potterhead soon (Team Ravenclaw!) and I can finally go to all the stores at Universal's The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and get all the many references from the books! 
